The search for a theatre with its own personality that would identify the people of the Canary Islands is one of the premises that has accompanied this art form from the beginning, with the aim of answering spiritual and religious questions of the islands’ first European dwellers and to light the way for the souls of the aborigines.
The theatre is recognised as a heritage of universal culture that is a mirror for what takes place in society during a period of time and space. But particularly in the islands the reflection of the daily lives of its people continues to be absent from the theatre.
It has been written that culture has roots but no borders. The theatre that is acted out in the archipelago hardly reflects on the beings that inhabit it, and a good number of theatre companies opt to do comedy in an environment shadowed by the lack of theatre space.
A turning point is necessary in order to appreciate this art form as a space for reflection of what has been, is and will be, the human adventure.