This important manifestation of the large Canary cultural arsenal shows an enviable development that dates back to the Renaissance, a period that left many works of unsurpassed quality, as is the case of the processional cross belonging to the parish church of Los Silos, in Tenerife .
The arrival of the baroque period, with a strong Portuguese influence, marks a lapse of a hundred years, in which metal works, and silversmiths in particular, flourished, among others that have become identifying elements of the Canary School of Goldsmiths.
The following periods originate a constant blend of styles between artists, due to a synchrony of languages that sprung up from the development of the start of the XXI century.
In any one of the islands, different works can be appreciated made out a great variety of raw materials and these form part of the environment, visited by the natives as well as by tourists from around the world.
Canary Islands people work hard and are proud of their roots and traditions, particularly their metal works boast a privileged place among the many arts and crafts that abound in this paradise of an archipelago.