When someone digs into the roots of culture in the
Canary Islands they encounter an identity of a people with strong customs, who defend their past while forging on with the present.
In a cordial manner we invite you to follow the path of pleasant but profound comings and goings of the development of a community bursting with its own personality and very proud of it.
The synthesis is no barrier to learning that these people own a personality unique to the rest of the world.
To delve into the Canary culture, enjoy everything from its aboriginal customs to the constant doings of present day life, is a wonderful way of better understanding the attractions of these incomparable islands.
The invitation is standing and together we will learn about the artistic manifestations in art-loving communities, as well as the architecture, sculpture, arts and crafts, music, even to the peculiar way the Canary people have of speaking. It is a unique opportunity to learn about the most beautiful Canary traditions.